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  • Are you hiring?

    Are you hiring?

    Posted: Friday September 29, 2023

    Make sure your positions are posted!

    The City of Brockville is working collaboratively with Brockville General Hospital and the Employment and Education Centre on a recruitment campaign that will be targeting larger city centres. While the main focus of the campaign is on health care and hospital staffing, we have the opportunity to maximize the potential of the campaign and ensure that anyone who is interested in relocating to Brockville can see the available job opportunities.

    We will be funneling inquiries about career opportunities and current open positions to the Employment and Education Centre’s job board and their team, and we want to make sure that all local businesses can benefit from this opportunity.

    Any time your business has an opening, list it on the Employment and Education Centre’s job board so that interested candidates know that you are hiring. This may be spouses of people interested in coming to work at the hospital or could be others who see our campaign materials.

    This is a free service offered by the Employment and Education Centre and is open to all local businesses, large or small. Please get in touch with Teanne to get started:

    Teanne Larocque
    Business Services Manager, Employment + Education Centre
    Email: teanne@eecentre.com |Telephone: 613-498-2111 ext. 365 | Cell: 613-803-9771

    For a preview of our upcoming campaign, check out the video below:

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