Posted: Monday May 15, 2023
Blockhouse Island Municipal Harbour Public Washrooms are Open Seven Days A Week All Year 8am to 10pm
The Centeen Park washrooms, Hardy Park washrooms (shown), and the St. Lawrence Park washrooms are all open Monday to Friday May 1 to 18 8am to 3pm
Following that, the Centeen Park washrooms, Hardy Park washrooms, and the St. Lawrence Park washrooms are all open are open 7 Days Per Week May (Long Weekend) 19 to October 13 8am to 8pm
The Splash Pad washrooms open when Splash Pad opens. We aim for June 1, weather permitting.
The Rotary Field House washrooms at the soccer fields, opens and closes as per the soccer club.
Portable washrooms in sports areas are in operation now. They are open and free to use and get pumped out every Tuesday. They are the following:
- Pickle ball courts Scofield Park
- Between Kins 1, and 2 baseball fields
- Kelly Park Baseball field
- Fulford Park Baseball field
- Brackenried Baseball field
- Soccer Field at M2 (Laurier) Brock Trail
- Rugby Field (M5) Brock Trail
This site has maps that will assist with locations.