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  • Shop Where Your Heart Is – opportunity for businesses to participate

    Shop Where Your Heart Is – opportunity for businesses to participate

    Posted: Monday November 04, 2024

    The Shop Where Your Heart Is program is back for the fourth year in a row! This program rewards shoppers for thinking “local first” when they do their holiday shopping with chances to win prizes.

    This year we will be running the program all December long, starting on November 16 with the “Miracle on King Street” event in Downtown Brockville, and ending on January 6 with the wrap up of the River of Lights.

    How does it work?

    • Customers must make 3 purchases from local businesses during the program period
    • Customers submit their 3 receipts to one of our program partners, or submit online
    • Submissions will be entered into weekly prize draws for $25 Downtown Brockville Gift Card and River of Lights toque. VIP entries (submissions with receipts over $250 in value) will be entered into a grand prize draw at the end of the program

    Why should your business take part?

    • We all win when more people do a larger percentage of their holiday (and personal) shopping locally rather than turning to online retailers or going out of the city. This may be all the incentive someone needs to check a local store first before going elsewhere.
    • The more that we all work together to promote the program, the more people will want to take part.
    • There is no cost to your business to participate in any component of the program.

    Restaurant Opportunity:

    “Shop Where Your Heart Is” and the “River of Lights” have teamed up for more chances to win! Restaurants and cafes that offer hot beverages to-go can add a River of Lights hot beverage sleeve to their drinks that give their customers an extra ballot towards weekly prizes.

    Dine-in restaurants that use paper coasters can offer their customers a branded paper coaster for their customers that serves as an extra ballot.

    There is no cost to your business to participate in any component of the program.

    What should you do next?

    Let us know that you would like to participate! We will provide you with a promotional card for your customers, poster for your store, and the receipt collection envelopes that your customers can use to collect their receipts.

    If you operate a restaurant or cafe and would like a quantity of the coffee sleeves or coasters let us know which one you would like and we will add you to our list of participating restaurants and provide you with materials before the program launches. Please select either the drink sleeves OR the coasters so that we can more efficiently allocate materials.

    We will provide you with the envelopes to give out to your customers when they make a purchase in your store. Shoppers can also pick up additional envelopes from the Brockville & District Chamber of Commerce office, Downtown Brockville office, Brockville Tourism’s Visitor Information Centre, and City Hall. The drop-off box for envelopes will be available 24/7 just outside of the Chamber office 3 Market Street West.

    If you are interested in donating a prize towards the grand prize draw, your business will be listed on the Shop Where Your Heart Is program page as a prize sponsor.

    Contact us to get started.

    This program is brought to you by:

    • Brockville & District Chamber of Commerce
    • Downtown Brockville
    • Brockville Tourism
    • City of Brockville
    • River of Lights

    Visit the program website for more details.

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