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  • Underground Works in the North End of Brockville

    Underground Works in the North End of Brockville

    Posted: Monday August 28, 2023

    North End Residents – Please be advised that the underground works have commenced for the Talo’s Subdivision which is located east of Windsor Drive and south of Centennial Road. These underground works consist of blasting of the bedrock for the installation of site servicing. The blasting operation is being completed by Noremac Drillers Inc. and will be done over the next several months. The blasting company was required to hire a Consulting Engineer, Blastek Engineering Group, who specialise in blasting operations. As part of their duties a pre blast survey was completed for all dwellings located within 75 m of the blast area as per the City of Brockville Explosive by-law (314-90).

    The Consulting Engineer is also required to monitor all blasts with systemic monitors located at strategic locations around the site. The collected information will then be used to adjust future blasting operations to meet Provincial and City requirements.

    Be assured that all blasting operations are being monitored and preformed in accordance with Provincial regulations and for information regarding blasting operations please visit website: explosives.org

    The contact for Blastek Engineering Group is: Ben Hammond, P.Eng, President 613-724-0602 bhammoud@blastekgroup.com

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