The City of Brockville oversees a number of services for residents, including water treatment and supply, wastewater treatment, garbage and recycling services, along with other facilities and departments that improve the lives of our residents. In addition to City Services, other public and private entities operate local utilities from electricity to internet. Below are some of the most important services to help you get established quickly.
Water Supply
The water supply is administered by the City of Brockville. Brockville draws its water from the St. Lawrence River and is filtered, chlorinated, and fluoridated a the City’s filtration plant.
The City needs to read your meter on your move in or move out date to ensure that you are only billed for the amount of water you consume. If you are moving please fill out the attached form or speak to one of our representatives in Customer Service.
Garbage, Recycling, and Composting
Brockville has weekly curb side garbage and recycling pick up for properly bagged and tagged items. Garbage and recycling pick up are offered on the same day of the week, which day is determined by your neighbourhood. Notices about seasonal items such as christmas trees and leaf pick up are posted on our garbage and recycling page, and also in the Recycle Coach app.
For all of the information on waste collection requirements, recycle and reuse partners, transfer station contact, municipal compost, leaf and yard waste site hours and fees, and backyard composting visit our page on garbage, recycling, and composting.
Electricity Services
Brockville’s electrical needs are serviced by Hydro One.
For more information, please visit www.hydroone.com or call 1-888-664-9376
Natural Gas Services
Natural gas services are provided to the Brockville area by Enbridge Gas who does not make a profit on the cost of the natural gas commodity nor its transportation to Ontario. Since natural gas is a commodity it is traded in the competitive marketplace, therefore the price is subject to change. Enbridge Gas reviews the price quarterly and adjusts the price charged to customers accordingly.
For more information call 1-877-ENBRIDGE for service information or visit www.enbridgegas.com.
Telecommunication Infrastructure
The City of Brockville has high speed telecommunication capability provided by Bell Canada and AT&T fibre lines, as well as other local providers. It is estimated that 95% of the community currently has access to high speed internet service.