Clerk’s Office
The primary role of the Clerk’s Department is driven by provincial legislation, most notably the Municipal Act, the Municipal Elections Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The Department provides administrative support to Council and its Committees and ensures that all of the actions taken by Council are recorded and communicated.
The Clerk’s Department produces Council meeting agendas and minutes for the various committees and Council sessions. Agendas for upcoming meetings are posted online through our Brockville CivicWeb online platform on the Friday before the upcoming meeting. Council meetings are streamed live on CivicWeb and recordings of the meetings are available online afterwards. Minutes of previous meetings can also be found on CivicWeb.
Closed Meeting Investigations
Pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001 (the “Act”), the Corporation of the City of Brockville has appointed the Ombudsman of Ontario as the Municipal Closed Meeting Investigator. They are authorized to conduct investigations upon receipt of a complaint in respect of meetings or parts of meetings that are closed to the public.
Members of the public, including corporations, may submit complaints to the Investigator relating to compliance with the Act or the Municipal Procedure Bylaw for meetings or part of meetings that are closed to the public. All complaints will be treated as confidential at all times.
Delegations to Council
If you would like to speak to an item on a Council or Committee agenda, you must request to be a delegate at the upcoming meeting in advance. Requests must be made no later than 12:00 p.m. on the Wednesday (or Tuesday, if Friday is a holiday) immediately prior to the Meeting.
Volunteer Boards and Committees
Board and Committee Recruitment
The City of Brockville periodically invites applications from interested and qualified individuals for appointments to various Boards and Committees.
To serve on a Board or Committee of Council, an applicant or member must be:
- A resident of Brockville or property owner within Brockville unless Council deems it appropriate in order to acquire specialized knowledge, experience or representation, to maintain continuity or any other reason Council deems appropriate;
- 18 years of age or older unless otherwise specified in the Terms of Reference for the applicable board/committee;
- Not employed by the City of Brockville;
- A Canadian citizen where required by law or the Board/Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Members of the public who are interested in serving on the above noted Boards or Committees should apply online outlining their interest. Further information on each board or committee and applications are available on our CivicWeb Portal
Duties of Boards and Committees
For further information please contact
Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
The Clerk’s Department manages requests made under Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The purposes of this Act are:
- To provide a right of access to information under the control of institutions in accordance with the principles that
- information should be available to the public,
- necessary exemptions from the right of access should be limited and specific, and
- decisions on the disclosure of information should be reviewed independently of the institution controlling the information; and
- To protect the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information about themselves held by institutions and to provide individuals with a right of access to that information.
Submitting a Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Information ( MFIPPA ) Request
Licences and Applications
Anything happening on city property requires the necessary permit, and some of these requests are managed through the Clerk’s department. This includes seasonal restaurant patios that extend onto city sidewalks, and flag raising requests for city flag poles. The Clerk’s Department manages a number of regulatory licences including:
- Lottery Licence. Application forms are necessary for either a bingo, raffle, or break open ticket license.
- Door to Door Sales. Door to door sales and transient trader licence.
- Refreshment Cart Application. Currently in review.
- Sidewalk Patio Application. Submitted annually to the Clerk’s Office
Council Proclamations and Flag Raising Requests
Proclamations are ceremonial statements issued by Brockville City Council that officially recognize the importance of an event, a campaign or an organization of significance that are of interest or benefit to the residents of Brockville for a particular day, week or month. A proclamation does not establish a personal or civic endorsement.
Guidelines for Proclamation Requests
- Requests are to be made at least four weeks in advance of the requested issuance date
- Requests may only be made by a City of Brockville resident, City of Brockville property owner or City of Brockville resident on behalf of an organization
- Requests must provide background information about the organization, cause or event being proclaimed
- Repeat requests are to be submitted on an annual basis
- Requests must relate to an organization, cause or event that contributes to the economic, social, and cultural fabric of the City of Brockville
- Proclamations are issued at the discretion of the Mayor
- An organization (i.e. requestor/recipient) may request one proclamation per year
- Proclamations are issued only to recognized Brockville organizations and not to individuals
- Organizations do not have exclusive rights to the day, week or month being proclaimed
- Proclamations of a similar topic will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis
- Only one proclamation is provided framed and will be issued to the requesting organization. Organizations can request multiple signed copies of the proclamation, as well as digital versions for their webpages and social media
- All proclamation text is subject to approval and modification by the City of Brockville
The City of Brockville has a flag policy and flags are flown by request for area community groups over the Brockville Railway Tunnel in accordance with this policy. Requests must be submitted a minimum of four weeks in advance of the requested date.
In accordance with the policy, use of community flagpoles may be requested to fly flags that:
- Support fundraising drives;
- Celebrate achievement;
- Celebrate civic events;
- Increase public awareness of programs and activities;
- Acknowledge an organization that has achieved national or international distinction or made a significant contribution to the community; or
- Acknowledge an organization that has helped to enhance the City of Brockville in a positive manner.
The organization requesting to have a flag raised in this location must provide the flag (size 54”x108”) to the City of Brockville, Parks Department at Gord Watts Municipal Centre, 251 North Augusta Road, at least one week prior to the scheduled flag raising. If a flag raising ceremony is anticipated, the requesting organization must also complete an outdoor Facility Use Application.
Proclamations are ceremonial statements issued by Brockville City Council that officially recognize the importance of an event, a campaign or an organization of significance that are of interest or benefit to the residents of Brockville for a particular day, week or month. A proclamation does not establish a personal or civic endorsement.
Submitting a Proclamation or Flag Raising Request
The Clerk’s Office oversees the Municipal Elections in Brockville. To view up to date information about the Municipal and School Board Elections please view the Municipal Election webpage.
To update or review your contact information for the next municipal election, please contact the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation.
The Clerk’s Office is located inside City Hall. To meet with staff inside City Hall, you must first check in at Customer Service, located on your left after you enter through the building’s front doors.