Conventional and Para Transit Service Hours of Operation:
- Weekday Service:
- Monday to Friday from 6:45 am to 6:15 pm
- Weekday Evening Service:
- Monday to Friday 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
- 1 Conventional and 1 Para Transit Bus.
- Saturday Service:
- 8:45 am to 6:15 pm
- No Service on Sundays nor Statutory Holidays, which includes Family Day.
Conventional and Para Transit Fees
- Cash Fare: $2.75
- Book of 10 tickets: $23.00
- Book of 40 Tickets: $80.00
- Monthly pass: $63.00
- Student Semester Pass: $155/semester
- Children 14 years old and under: Free
- Medical or Support Person Escort: Free
Please have your fare ready before entering the bus to minimize delays.
Bus tickets and monthly passes can be purchased from Customer Service inside City Hall between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Alternatively they are sold at the Brockville Public Library and on the busses.
City of Brockville Transit Map and Bus Stop Listings
Bus Route Maps can be picked up from Brockville City Hall and Gord Watts Municipal Centre.
You can now also map your route on Google or refer to the Transit Brochure and Map.
Please note: Minor route changes, fares, sign placement, and times may change.
Para Transit
Our service is available to residents residing in the City that have mobility or cognitive disabilities that prevent them from using the Conventional Transit System. Service is provided within the municipal boundary and to St. Lawrence Lodge and Sherwood Park Manor. Only registered passengers may use the system.
Read more about our Para Transit service below, and click here to access a Para Transit Application Form.
For more information, including booking, contact 613-341-2279 or
Para Transit Information
Para Transit service is available to residents residing in the City of Brockville that are physically or cognitively unable to use Conventional Transit. Service is available anywhere inside the City of Brockville municipal boundary and to Sherwood Park Manor. Only registered passengers, or support persons and social companions accompanying registered passengers, may use the service.
For more information click this link for the Brockville Paratransit Service Policy.
Application Process
Residents must submit an application form to determine eligibility before being approved for use of Para Transit. Application forms are available from the City of Brockville:
- Download an application
- Phone: 613-341-2279
- Email:
- In Person: Brockville City Hall (1 King Street West), or Gord Watts Municipal Centre (251 North Augusta Road)
Part B of the application form must be completed by the Applicant’s attending physician or other medical professional with knowledge of their condition. Forms not signed by a certified healthcare professional will not be accepted.
Completed applications must be processed within 14 days of receipt and if not, the applicant will be provided temporary service for up to 30 days. Applications are typically processed within 3 working days. If a resident requires access to the system for emergency or compassionate reasons, they should contact City staff directly who will determine their eligibility to immediately use the system based on their situation. If any application is not approved, the applicant can request a review of the decision by an independent review panel comprised of the Director of Operations and the Chair of the Brockville Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee.
Applicants who are approved to use the system will be classified as permanent, temporary (with an approved start and end date), or conditional (where environmental or physical barriers prevent the use of the Conventional Transit system). At any time, passengers with temporary or conditional classifications may submit updated application forms for review to be approved as a permanent classification.
Service Information
Brockville Para Transit is available Monday to Saturday with the following service hours:
- Monday to Friday: 7:00am to 9:00pm
- Saturday: 9:00am to 6:00pm
- No Service on Sunday or statutory holidays.
Rides must be booked in advance by contacting the dispatcher at 613-341-2279.
Ride bookings can be made up to one week in advance and are made on a first come, first serve basis. Riders are encouraged to book at least 24 hours in advance. Same day trips will be provided based on schedule availability.
Permanent bookings are available for ongoing medical treatments.
Rides must be cancelled in advance by contacting dispatch at 613-341-2279.
For more information click this link for the Brockville Paratransit Service Policy.
Fare Information
- Cash Fare: $2.50
- Book of 10 Tickets: $21.85
- 40-Ride Pass: $78.00
- Monthly Pass: $62.00
- Support Person: No Charge
Tickets can be purchased at City Hall, Gord Watts Municipal Centre, and on the Para Transit Bus.
Tickets need to be purchased at City Hall In order to obtain receipts. Receipts cannot be issued on the busses nor at Gord Watts. Receipts will only be provided at the time of purchase, and not after the fact.
Please note that the Para Transit Bus is cash only and cannot make change.
Ontario Senior’s Public Tax Credit
The Ontario Seniors’ Public Transit Tax Credit is a refundable tax credit to help seniors and persons with disabilities with public transit costs.
Who Is eligible:
• Seniors aged 65 and older
• Persons with disabilities
You can claim expenses for specialized public transit services that are designed to transport people with disabilities. Specialized public transit services must generally meet the same conditions as conventional public transit services.
Support Persons and Social Companions
A support person is an individual required to assist the rider for mobility or cognitive reasons as the rider cannot ride the vehicle alone without assistance. The requirement for the support person must be identified by a medical professional on the Application Form for the rider. Riders requiring a support person will be denied service if a support person is not accompanying them on the vehicle. Support persons are not required to pay a fare.
A social companion is eligible to travel with a rider if space is available and would not result in a denial of service to a registered rider. Social companions are required to pay the appropriate fare.
Para Transit Policy Information
Passengers are to be ready and at the door when the bus arrives. Service is provided from accessible exterior building entrance to accessible exterior building entrance. Passengers requiring assistance beyond the doorway must make their own appropriate arrangements. During the winter the sidewalks up to doorways must be shoveled and clear of snow when the bus arrives for passenger pick up.
Passengers requiring a support person will be denied service if a support person is not accompanying them on the vehicle.
Dependents are permitted to travel with a registered passenger who is a parent or a guardian of the dependent. Child car seats, strollers, and any other equipment required must be supplied by the passenger and must be able to be stored securely on the bus.
Children under 7 years of age require an escort to accompany them at all times on the bus.
Based on scheduled trips, passengers could be picked up anytime up to 30 minutes past their scheduled pickup time. If a delay of more than 30 minutes is known in advance the passenger will be notified, however this does not apply to delays in service that occur during the trip or for unscheduled return trips. Passengers could be traveling on the bus up to 30 minutes per one way trip.
Wheelchair seatbelts must be secured on the passenger. Passengers must also have the shoulder and lap belt portion of the wheelchair restraint system connected.
Passengers using scooters must transfer off of the scooter onto the bus seat.It is the responsibility of the passenger to carry their own parcels and to cooperate if the driver is assisting them. Passengers are generally limited.
Fees still apply for failure to cancel or not show up for a booked trip. Repeat offenders could be suspended from service.
Service is available to persons with disabilities that are visiting the City, provided they can provide verification that they are registered passengers with the Para Transit system in the community that they live in.
Due to the Para transit platform lift specifications if the combined weight of the passenger and wheelchair or scooter exceed 600 pounds they will not be permitted on the bus. Broda and Geri chairs are not permitted on the bus due to safety issues. The Para transit platform lift measures 33 inches by 54 inches so wheelchairs and scooters that do not fit within these dimensions will not be permitted on the bus.
Due to safety issues if the brakes on wheelchairs and walkers, or other safety features are not working properly, they will not be permitted on the bus until repairs have been completed.
For more information click this link for the Brockville Paratransit Service Policy.
River Route Bus Service
The River Route Bus Service is a new public transit service to popular employment areas from Brockville to Cardinal along County Road 2, Monday to Friday 5:30 am to 5:30 pm. Starting in Brockville, the bus continues east and brings commuters to and from popular workplaces in Brockville, Augusta, Prescott, and Edwardsburgh Cardinal on a 2 hour loop, 6 times per weekday.
Tickets are $5 each, or a book of 10 tickets can be purchased for $40. Bus tickets books can be purchased from Customer Service inside City Hall between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
For more information, including location of stops and times, please visit
Rider Etiquette
All riders must abide by the Rider Etiquette Policy and follow all City of Brockville rules when on the bus. Failure to follow could result in suspension from use of the service.
Rider Etiquette Policy
The following rules are in place on all Brockville Transit buses to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for both passengers and transit operators. Cooperation and courteous behaviour by both groups is required to fulfill a high level of service for everybody. Failure to follow the rules as described could result in suspension from use of the service.
Respect Drivers and Respect Others
Do not use profane or discriminatory language while on the bus. Do not engage in confrontational language with Transit staff or fellow riders while on the bus. All conversations on the bus should be kept at a reasonable sound level as to not be disruptive to other passengers. Brockville Transit strives to ensure that passengers arrive safely and on time. However; road construction, inclement weather and special events can impact route schedules. We ask that patience and understanding be extended to Brockville Transit staff during these occurrences.
No Smoking
There is no smoking of any kind permitted on the bus or adjacent to any transit shelter as per City of Brockville Bylaw 093-2003.
Service Animals and Pets
Service animals accompanying persons with disabilities are allowed on board. Pets are only allowed on board Brockville Transit if secured in a crate.
Fare Payment
Passengers are to have their ticket, pass or cash payment in hand when entering the bus in order to minimize the time of each stop. Cash payments should be made with exact change. Drivers are unable to make change at any time.
Stroller Policy
All strollers should be folded up with the wheels locked or brakes engaged while on the bus. Strollers are to be sorted under the passenger’s seat or secured by the passenger while riding the bus. Strollers are not permitted to be stored in the aisle at any time.
Safe Riding
- Passengers are to either sit in an empty seat or stand while holding onto hand grips in order to remain secure while the bus is in motion
- Use the Stop Request buttons or cable to request a stop
- Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop, do not stand up in anticipation of an upcoming stop
- Ask the driver to clarify the locations of stops and routes if unsure which bus is required to reach your destination