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Most activities that take place on city parks and streets, along with changes to your business or property will require permission or approval of some kind. Below you will find information on the types of permits and licences issued by the City of Brockville. If you are not sure if your proposal requires a permit, please check before in advance and staff can walk you through the process.

Some additional permits may be required from other organizations, such as the Province of Ontario, local health unit, or conservation authority.

Building Permits

A building permit is required before you make changes to your home or business.

When considering any kind of construction on your property, it is a good idea to discuss your plans with the local building staff first. They can advise you about any other permits or approvals you might need, such as demolition permits, minor variances, sign permits, and electrical permits.

For more information about building permits, and to access information on common construction questions (such as decks and pools, sheds and carports), please visit our Building and Construction page.

Apply For A Building Permit

The City of Brockville uses a cloud based electronic permitting software called Cloudpermit to process all Building Permit Applications. Click here to start your building permit application through Cloudpermit.

Change Of Use

Are you changing the use of your property? For example, are you changing from a retail space to a restaurant? You must register the Change of Use when changing the type of business the space will be used for, even if that business type is allowed under our Zoning Bylaw, and even if you are not planning any construction.

Different types of businesses have different considerations such as number of washrooms, occupancy, or weight bearing capacity. When the use of a building is changed, it may represent an increase in hazard to the occupants of the building. In a new building constructed and inspected in accordance with current building codes, the occupants of the building and the building itself are protected from the anticipated levels of hazard by compensating construction.

Section 10(1) of the Building Code Act states:
“Even though no construction is proposed, no person shall change the use of a building or part of building or permit the use to be changed if the change would result in an increase in hazard, as determined in accordance with the building code, unless a permit has been issued by the chief building official.”

Click here to learn more about Change of Use permits.

Demolition Permit

Before you demolish any building in part or whole, you are required by the Building Code to apply for a demolition permit through the Building Department. The application process is similar to that for a building permit, and uses electronic permitting software. In some cases, you must hire a professional engineer to oversee the demolition. Click here to start your demolition permit application through Cloudpermit.

You should be aware that special situations may affect a proposed demolition.

Heritage buildings intended for designation or formally designated as having historic or architectural significance under the Ontario Heritage Act are subject to certain conditions:

  1. Building intended for designation cannot be demolished without local council approval
  2. Designation does not permanently prohibit demolition but requires a permit to be obtained to demolish a building on a designated property. If the council refuses such a permit, no demolition may take place for 180 days. This is to allow an opportunity to negotiate with the owner to somehow preserve the distinctive character of the building.

Excavation Permit

Before any construction or digging can commence, an excavation permit must be granted by the City of Brockville, and any buried gas lines, plumbing, or other utilities must be located.

To request a locate, visit Ontario One Call, click on “Request a Locate,” and follow the instructions provided there.

To apply for an excavation permit, fill out the Excavation Permit Application and send it to locates@brockville.com.

The City will review the permit application and send either a granted permit or denied application to the client. A valid permit contains a City Signature and a valid permit number.

Steven Allen

Supervisor of Engineering

613-342-8772 Ext: 3223

Business Permits and Licences

While our municipality does not issue business licences for most businesses, specific types of business operations do require a municipal permit, including: Busking License, Door to Door Sales, Home Occupation (operating your business from your residence), Hosting a festival or event in a City park or street, Refreshment cart, Sidewalk Patio licence, Sign Permit, Zoning Compliance.

In addition to the municipal permits required, businesses operating in Ontario need to be registered with the Province. Depending on your type of business, other regulatory bodies such as the local Health Unit or Fire Department may need to complete inspections before you may begin operations.

Provincial Licensing for Businesses


BizPaL is an innovative online service that provides entrepreneurs with simplified access to information about business permits, licences and other requirements needed to start, operate and grow their business from the federal, provincial/territorial and participating municipal governments.

  • It’s free to use
  • It saves time
  • It’s available 24/7

Launch the BizPaL service

Leeds and Grenville Small Business Centre

The small business centre can help guide you through the process of opening your new business, including helping to get your business name registered with the Province of Ontario.

The Centre offers support and assistance to existing businesses including the development of marketing plans, updating business plans, and sourcing information to assist with their ongoing business operations or expansion plans.

For more information on the services they provide, contact the Leeds and Grenville Small Business Centre.

32 Wall Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 300
Brockville, Ontario
613-342-0041 x4471
Book a Consultation with the Small Business Centre

Busking Licence

Every busker operating within the City of Brockville must obtain a licence before beginning any performance within the city.

The bylaw stipulates the locations and hours where busking is permitted within the city. A five minute audition is required, and if successful, you may apply for an annual Busker Licence.

Contact Cultural Services for more information.

Door to Door Sales & Service and Transient Traders

Every transient trader or door to door sales and service person operating within the City of Brockville must obtain a licence from the Clerk’s office before selling or offering for sale any goods, ware, merchandise, or services within the city.

The bylaw stipulates the regulations on how to operate a door to door sales or transient trade in the city.

Download the Door to Door Sales and Service and Transient Trader Bylaw and Door to Door Transient Trader Application.

Festival and Event Facility Use Application

A Facility Use Application is required for any outdoor event on public property, which includes City parks. You should plan to submit your application and other documentation as soon as possible to ensure that your event can proceed as planned.

Even if your planned event is taking place on private property, there are still some best practices that you should consider, and some requirements that you need to meet. Most commonly, you will need to adhere to the Ontario Building Code as it applies to tents, and for demountable stages.

Please refer to our Festival and Events Guidance Document for more information and to access a Facility Use Application.

Robyn Houle

Parks Administrative Coordinator

613-342-8772 Ext: 3266

Home Occupation or Home Based Business

Businesses that are operating out of a home location are required to notify the Planning Department by submitting an application. There are rules about how much space in your home can be used for commercial purposes.

Home occupations, where permitted, must adhere to the City of Brockville’s Zoning Bylaw 050-2014.

All home occupations must apply for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance. The issuance of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance by the City will advise that your proposed change in use complies with the provisions of the Zoning Bylaw.

Click here for additional Home Occupation Information and Application Form. Please submit the completed application for Certificate of Zoning Compliance to the Planning Department for review.

Sign Permit Application

Installing any type of sign requires a permit. Please review our Sign Bylaw for additional information.

Fascia or Pylon type signs

Required information includes:

Temporary, Portable, Panel, or Banner Sign

Required information includes:

A-board or Sandwich Board Sign

Required information includes:

Once a permit has been issued for an A-board or Sandwich board sign that permit is good for the life of the sign.

Planning Department

General Contact

613-342-8772 Ext: 4463

Food and Beverage Licensing

In addition to any permits required by the City of Brockville, any food handlers must follow safe food handling processes and be certified by the local health unit. This is the case for any restaurant, refreshment cart, food stall at a market or festival, or any time that you are handling food that will be consumed by the public.

If you are planning to use a portion of your residence for your operations, you must apply through the Planning Department to register your Home Occupation as outlined in the “business permits and licences” section above.

Refreshment Cart

In accordance with Bylaw 052-2011, no person shall operate a refreshment cart without an annual licence to do so issued by the City of Brockville. The bylaw applies to both public and private property.

“Refreshment Cart” is defined as any vehicle, other than a motorized vehicle, from which refreshments are sold for consumption by the public.

No person shall operate a refreshment cart on property other than:

  • Centennial/Hardy Park (north east quadrant; Water Street at Home Street area);
  • Water Street at Home Street area;
  • Centeen Park;
  • Private properties, outside of the designated Downtown Business Improvement Area, which are zoned commercial;
  • Rotary Park (as amended by Bylaw Number 028-2013);
  • Tunnel North Entrance (as amended by By-law Number 048-2019)

Only one (1) licence shall be issued per property.

Please note that the Refreshment Cart Bylaw is currently under review. Please contact the Clerk’s Office for more information.

Clerk's Department

General Contact

Sidewalk Patio Application

Restaurants along King Street may apply for a sidewalk patio during the summer season. These patios use the sidewalk in front of your business, and pedestrian traffic is directed around your patio, using the parking spaces in front of your business. City staff install barricades on the street side of the parking spaces to create a walkway for pedestrians, blocking off those parking spaces.

As part of your application, you must submit drawings showing where your patio will be located, the materials used, and how pedestrians will be routed around the patio.

This request must be made annually and submitted to the Clerk’s Office.

For more information, please see the outdoor sidewalk patio guidelines document, and the Outdoor Sidewalk Patio Application Form.

Clerk's Department

General Contact

Marriage Licence

NEW! The City of Brockville now offers the ability to complete your marriage licence application online. There is no need to come in and submit your application, it will be sent to a City Customer Service Representative electronically where it will be processed. Once completed a Customer Service Representative will contact you to come in and pay for your licence. Completing the online application will take 25-30 minutes and both applicants must be present to provide their required information.
The required supporting documentation can be uploaded to the online application, but the originals must be presented at the time that the licence is issued. Once submitted the application cannot be changed, please ensure that it has been carefully reviewed. Once submitted a reference number will be provided to you and this can be used if the applicants need to contact the City’s Customer Service department about the application.

To obtain a marriage licence, ensure that both parties meet the criteria below, and then complete the online application form.


Alternatively, a secondary option to obtain a marriage licence would be:

  1. Complete a Marriage Licence Application. The application must be signed by both applicants.
  2. Submit the application with the required documents via email to the Clerk’s Office. You will be sent a confirmation email upon receipt.
  3. Your application and documents will be reviewed. Staff will contact you directly if there are any questions regarding your application.
  4. Applications will be processed within two working days once all documents have been verified and approved.
  5. Complete and pickup your licence from the Customer Service Office inside City Hall. The required documents for both applicants, as indicated on the application, must be brought to City Hall to complete the license; documents must be originals, photocopies are not acceptable.

If you do not have access to email, paper copies of the application and the required documents can be:

Please indicate your preferred method of communication: email or telephone.

Required Documents when applying for a marriage licence

The required documents, as indicated on the marriage application, must be brought to City Hall by the applicant in order to obtain the marriage license. All documents must be originals or certified true copies, photocopies will not be accepted.


Both parties must have two pieces of proper identification when applying for a marriage licence. Both pieces of identification must include your birthdate, and at least one must include photo identification. Please note that Social Insurance Number (SIN) cards are not acceptable forms of identification to apply for a marriage licence.

Acceptable forms of identification include:

  • Government issued birth certificate, including any change of name certificates
  • Valid passport
  • Record of immigrant landing
  • Canadian citizenship card
  • Valid driver’s licence
  • Valid Ontario photo card

Expired forms of identification will not be accepted.

All forms of identification must be in English or have a certified translation.

Previous Marriage: Divorce or Widow

Canadian Divorce

If either applicant’s previous marriage has been dissolved or annulled in Canada, the original certified copy or a certified true copy of the Final Decree, the Final Judgement or a Certificate of Divorce must be submitted to the Issuer of Marriage Licences. A Divorce Order or Decree Nisi is not acceptable. Certified copies can be obtained from the court that granted the divorce. Photocopies will not be accepted.

Foreign Divorce

If either applicant’s previous marriage has been dissolved or annulled outside Canada, authorization from the Registrar General’s Office is required before a marriage licence may be issued. To obtain this authorization, the applicants, or a lawyer representing them, must submit:

  • Completed marriage application form, signed by both applicants;
  • Certified copy of the Decree Absolute or Certificate of Divorce or Annulment from the jurisdiction where the divorce was granted, sealed by the court (including a certified translation, if the divorce is in another language);
  • Statement of Sole Responsibility for each divorcee, signed by both applicants (blank affidavits are available from the Clerk’s department or can be obtained here); and
  • Legal opinion of an Ontario lawyer, addressed to both applicants, giving reasons as to why the divorce or annulment should be recognized by the Province of Ontario.

These documents must be submitted to:
The Office of the Registrar General
P.O. Box 4600
189 Red River Road
Thunder Bay, Ontario
P7B 6L8

We recommend you appear in person at the Clerk’s department to request these forms and obtain additional information.

Widow or Widower

If either applicant is a widow or widower, they are not required to produce a death certificate to obtain a marriage licence.

Additional Information about applying for a marriage licence


No person under 16 years of age may be married. Anyone aged 16 or 17 wishing to apply for a marriage licence must have both parents or guardians fill out a consent form at the Clerks department at the time of application, with the exception of applicants who are widowed or divorced.

If a parent or guardian refuses to provide consent, application may be made to a judge for an order dispensing with consent. Contact the Clerk’s department for additional information.

Marriage Ceremony

The Clerk’s Department offers non-denominational civil marriage ceremonies. The fee for a marriage ceremony is per our current years Fee and Service Charge Bylaw.

It is important to ensure that your marriage is performed properly and legally. To access lists of wedding officiants who are registered to perform marriages, check the Service Ontario website or call 1-800-461-2156.

Raffle, Bingo, and Break Open Ticket Licence

Applications are available through the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario. You need to fill out an application form for either a bingo, raffle or break open ticket licence. You can view and print the forms from the following links:

Please print the form, fill out the information and bring it to the Clerk’s Office in City Hall for processing.

To apply for a lottery licence, an organization must first be deemed eligible to conduct lottery sessions. If the organization is not already approved to conduct lottery sessions in the City of Brockville, please contact the Clerk’s Office.

Flag Raising Requests

Requests to fly community flags over the tunnel are made to City Council through the Clerk’s office. More information, including the Proclamation and Flag Raising Request Application, can be found on the Clerk’s Office page.

The Clerk’s Office is located inside City Hall. To meet with staff inside City Hall, you must first check in at Customer Service, located on your left after you enter through the building’s front doors.

Enter your email and a link to reset your password will be sent to you.

Sign up for an account

*You will receive a verification code via email if you have not verified your email already.

Enter the verification code that was sent to you.