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The City of Brockville operates a number of municipal parking lots, and sets the regulations for street parking, downtown complimentary parking, and oversees enforcement of the parking bylaw through Parking Bylaw Enforcement Officers.

Municipal Parking Lots

There are ten parking lots located in downtown Brockville. The City operates seven Municipal Parking Lots for vehicle parking, and one dedicated boat trailer parking lot. Monthly permits are available at most municipal lots and can be purchased at City Hall during regular business hours. Hourly parking can be purchased from the pay machine in each lot at a rate of $1.50 per hour.

Parking Permits

Parking passes are available at the downtown parking lots of George Street, Buell Street, Home Street, and John Street for the following duration and fee:

  • One Month: $58.00
  • Three Months: $174.00
  • Six Months: $348.00
  • One Year: $696.00

Parking passes are available at the Market Street and Water Street lots for the following durations and fee:

  • One Month: $63.00
  • Three Months: $189.00

Boat Trailer Parking

Boat trailer parking for the 2024 season will be located in the Kincaid Street Lot, the gravel parking area off of Water Street at the end of Kincaid Street.

Parking on the Street

Street parking outside of the Downtown core is permitted for a maximum of 3 hours only.

Downtown Parking

Downtown Brockville offers 2 hour complimentary parking on designated streets, and metered parking on the remainder of the streets at the cost of $1.00 per hour. Parking meters only accept quarters, loonies and toonies. A good guide is “if you see a meter, feed a meter.”

If you are going to be longer than 2 hours, please use the parking lots and not the two hour complimentary parking as parking over 2 hours is subject to a $20.00 fine. Please be advised that all other streets in Brockville allow for maximum 3 hour parking only. Oversized vehicles taking up more than one parking space are to use parking lots. For a map of all downtown lots, please refer to the Downtown Parking map here.

Parking Meters:

Hourly rates for street parking where there are meters can be purchased at the following rates:

Parking in Residential Areas

Parking on residential streets or highways is limited to a period 3 hours between the hours of 7:00 am and 11:00 pm. If a vehicle is removed it cannot be parked within 300 metres from the point at which it was first parked within 1 hour from the time of its removal.

Winter Parking Restrictions: Overnight Parking

Like many other communities, the City of Brockville has parking restrictions in place during the winter season. These restrictions are necessary in order to ensure snow clearing activities can be completed in a safe and effective manner. In recent years, the City has modified the winter parking restrictions in order to provide more flexibility to motorists whenever weather conditions permit. Click here for more information about the City’s Winter operations and Snow and Ice Control.

In effect from November 1st (or the first significant snowfall) through March 31st, parking is prohibited on City streets between the hours of 2:00 am and 7:00 am.

Winter parking restrictions are currently in effect. Parking is prohibited on city streets between the hours of 2:00 am and 7:00 am.  This prohibition is in effect regardless of weather conditions.

Illegally parked cars can delay or impair winter control operations. Please note that all illegally parked vehicles will be ticketed and/or towed. Enforcement will be working throughout 2:00 am to 7:00 am.

When the weather conditions are especially challenging or inclement, Significant Weather Events will be posted under the News section when they are declared and also posted on our municipal Facebook page.

City Announcements are also emailed directly to media and subscribers. Should you wish to be notified, subscribe using this link.

When necessary, the Public Works division will provide notice that the parking prohibition time will be extended until 11:00 am on the evenings that snow clearing operations will taking place. The City will inform the public by 6:00 pm each evening that the operation is to take place. During winter months, updates on conditions will be posted as a news item and announced for those who subscribe to https://brockville.com/announcements or check the news bar on our homepage for news on current parking restrictions.

Parking Bylaw Enforcement

The Parking Enforcement office is located at City Hall in the Customer Service and Revenue Department.

Parking Enforcement and Fines

Time Limited Parking (Complimentary two hour area)

Fine: $30.00 ($20.00 if early payment is made within 7 days of infraction)

No person shall park a vehicle for longer than 2 hours within the Downtown Complimentary Parking area. Oversized vehicles taking up more than one parking space are to use parking lots. For a map of all downtown lots, please refer to the Downtown Parking map here.

Re-parking (Complimentary two hour area)

Fine: $30.00 ($20.00 if early payment is made within 7 days of infraction)

No person shall repark a vehicle within the Downtown Complimentary Parking area within 250 metres of the initial parking space within 2 hours of removing the vehicle from the initial parking space.

Pay and Display Parking Meters

Fine: $30.00 ($20.00 if early payment is made within 7 days of infraction)

The City utilizes Pay and Display parking machines in most parking lots and for some on street parking. All persons parking a vehicle where there is a Pay and Display parking machine must purchase a receipt for the amount of time they wish to stay. This receipt must be displayed face up on the dashboard of the vehicle. No person shall park without a valid receipt or longer than the posted time limit.

In addition to the above, no person shall park a vehicle outside the designated parking space or occupy more than one parking space. This applies to both on street and off street parking spots.

Accessible Parking

Fine: $350.00 ($300.00 if early payment is made within 7 days of infraction)

Parking is an integral part of traveling for many persons with disabilities. It is a means of opening up access to a community. If parking is not available it can result in the person not being able to work, shop or visit the hospital or their doctor.

Accessible parking spots are for holders of valid accessible parking passes only. Parking or stopping is not permitted in these spots unless the vehicle contains a person with physical disabilities and a clearly displayed original accessible valid parking permit issued by the Ministry of Transportation.

Individual Parking Meters

Fine: $30.00 ($20.00 if early payment is made within 7 days of infraction)

Where parking is controlled by an individual parking meter, time must be purchased immediately after parking. No person shall park at an expired meter or longer than the posted time limit.

No Parking

Fine: $30.00 ($20.00 if early payment is made within 7 days of infraction)

Parking is prohibited, even when the vehicle is occupied, unless you are actively engaged in the loading or unloading of merchandise or passengers. Drivers are not allowed to wait for their passengers while in a “no parking” zone.

No Parking in Loading zones

Fine: $30.00 ($20.00 if early payment is made within 7 days of infraction)

Parking is prohibited in designated loading zones unless the vehicle is a commercial vehicle and is being actively loaded or unloaded.

Monthly Parking Permits

Monthly parking permits are available for purchase at City Hall on the 15th for the upcoming month. These monthly parking permits are for the municipal parking lots located in Downtown Brockville and are sold on a first come first served basis.

Parking in Front of Residences

Fine: $30.00 ($20.00 if early payment is made within 7 days of infraction)

No person shall permit his or her vehicle to stand longer than absolutely necessary for the owner, driver or person using the vehicle to transact his or her business with the person opposite or in front of whose residence the vehicle is parked.

Overnight Parking

Fine: $30.00 ($20.00 if early payment is made within 7 days of infraction)

Parking is prohibited on all City streets between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am during the months of November 1st through March 31st unless posted otherwise. Signs are located at all major entrances to the city.

Parking on Private Property

Fine: $30.00 ($20.00 if early payment is made within 7 days of infraction)

Where appropriate signs are present, parking on public property must be authorized by the property owner.

No Stopping

Fine: $30.00 ($20.00 if early payment is made within 7 days of infraction)

“No Stopping” zones are created to address safety or roadway capacity concerns. Stopping, even for a moment to pick up /drop off passengers or goods, is prohibited; except when required to avoid conflict with other traffic or if directed by a police officer or traffic control device.

Paying for a Parking Ticket

Parking enforcement officers issue parking tickets in accordance with the parking bylaw for the City of Brockville. Parking tickets can be paid:

In person:

Parking tickets can be paid in person at the Customer Service Office inside the front doors of City Hall during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm).


The City of Brockville now brings you the convenience of paying your parking tickets online. Visit this secure site and follow the simple instructions. There is no need to create a login. It’s safe, easy and convenient.

By telephone:

Parking tickets can be paid over the phone by credit card by calling customer service office staff at 613-342-8772 x 4001.

By mail:

Pay for your parking ticket by cheque or money order my mail at the following address:

City of Brockville
1 King Street West, P.O. Box 5000
Brockville, ON
K6V 7A5

Disputing your Parking Ticket

If you would like to have parking enforcement review your ticket, you will need to email city staff in the customer service office and provide the following:

If we receive the above information, we will have the Supervisor review your concerns and contact you with a decision.

Customer Service

Alexandra Delov

Supervisor of Customer Service/Tax Collector

613-342-8772 Ext: 4428

Parking Department

General Contact

To Be Determined

Customer Service Representative

613-342-8772 Ext: 4490

Fred Hicks

Meter Reader/Serviceman

613-342-8772 Ext: 4457

Jessica Kelly

Customer Service Representative

613-342-8772 Ext: 4443

Michelle Marchand

Customer Service Representative

613-342-8772 Ext: 4456

Joanne Mulder

Revenue Services Coordinator

613-342-8772 Ext: 4455

Margie Thom

Customer Service Representative

613-342-8772 Ext: 4467

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