I Want to...


Change of Address

All changes of property ownership or addresses must be made in writing.

Please complete the online property address change form and submit it to the City of Brockville’s Customer Service and Revenue Office.

Customer Service

Alexandra Delov

Supervisor of Customer Service/Tax Collector

613-342-8772 Ext: 4428

To Be Determined

Customer Service Representative

613-342-8772 Ext: 4490

Jessica Kelly

Customer Service Representative

613-342-8772 Ext: 4443

Joanne Mulder

Revenue Services Coordinator

613-342-8772 Ext: 4455

Margie Thom

Customer Service Representative

613-342-8772 Ext: 4467

Enter your email and a link to reset your password will be sent to you.

Sign up for an account

*You will receive a verification code via email if you have not verified your email already.

Enter the verification code that was sent to you.