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Water & Sewer Services

Water Systems

The Water Systems Division is responsible for the treatment and distribution of the City’s drinking water. The water system consists of approximately 125 kilometres of water piping of various sizes, 2 pumping stations, an elevated storage tank, an underground reservoir and a direct filtration water treatment plant.

The City of Brockville’s Water Treatment Plant is located on the St. Lawrence River and serves the City of Brockville (population 22,000) and a portion of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley (population 350).

If you experience low water pressure, or fluctuations during use, there are a few reasons why this problem exists:

Emergency Water Issue? Please call:

Weekdays between 7:00 am and 3:30 pm: 613-342-8772 x5510

After Hours: City Emergency After Hours Phone Line is operated by Fire Dispatch: 613-498-1261 x2504)

Wastewater Collection and Treatment (Wastewater Systems)

The Wastewater Systems Division is responsible for the collection and treatment of the City’s wastewater and sewage system. The system consists of approximately 113 kilometres of wastewater collection piping of various sizes, 12 pumping stations and the operation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. In addition to maintaining the collection system and ensuring the wastewater treatment plant is operating within strict government regulations, wastewater staff are also responsible for enforcing the City’s Sewer Use Bylaw, abatement sampling and public education.

How can you help?

The public can do their part to help keep unwanted items out of the sanitary collection system to avoid costly repairs or blockages. Items like wipes, feminine hygiene products and fats, oils and grease should not be put down the toilets or drains.

Fat, Oil, Grease

Fats, Oils, and Grease include meats, sauces, gravies, salad dressings, deep fried dishes, dairy products, soups, chili, pastas, pastries, butter and margarine are foods that contain fats oil and grease.

As in your arteries, these fats, oils, and greases can clog the flow in your drains and sewers on your property and under the roadway. When grease is flushed down the drain and cools, it can stick to our sewer pipes and over time block the sewers completely. This can lead to raw wastewater backing up into your, or your neighbour’s, basement.

Put cooking oil in a container and dispose of in your garbage or through an approved waste oil recycler. Scrape food scraps into a container for compost or dispose of it in the garbage.

No Wipes in the Pipes

Do not flush objects down the toilet such as wipes, diapers, feminine hygiene products, or dental floss. Even products labeled as “flushable” cannot be flushed and can cause backups. Dispose of these items in your trash receptacle. Inform those who clean your house or business of the proper disposal methods for these items. Only human waste and toilet paper should go down the toilet.

Sump Pump Connections

Sump pumps should discharge to your yard, ditch, or storm sewer and not to the sanitary sewer. A sump pump that is connected to the sanitary sewer could result in it flooding with sewage and dirty water. Please make the right connection to protect your home and the municipal sanitary sewer system.

If you are unsure, or know you have an illegal sump pump or foundation drain connection, please contact a plumber to determine what options are available to you to alleviate the situation.

Emergency Sewage Backup? Please call:

Weekdays between 7:00 am and 3:30 pm: 613-342-8772 x8302

After Hours: City Emergency Phone Line at 613-498-1362 (the after hours line is operated by Fire Dispatch: 613-498-1261 x2504)

Water Billing

The Customer Service and Revenue Office is responsible for all aspects of water billing from meter reading to the issuance of the bills. They install, remove, and service water meters, and they also issue water certificates.

City of Brockville Water Rates can be found on the last page of the Water Rates Bylaw document.

Engineering & Infrastructure

Peter Raabe

Director of Engineering & Infrastructure

613-342-8772 Ext: 3257

Pat Brown

Chief Operator: Wastewater Systems

613-342-8772 Ext: 8303

Jill Buckland

Abatement/Lab Technician

613-342-8772 Ext: 8305

Cameron Deir

Chief Operator: Water Systems

613-342-8772 Ext: 5510

Bonnie Evoy

Administrative Assistant: Treatment

613-342-8772 Ext: 8302

Barry Fox

Sub-Foreman Collection/Operator: Wastewater Systems

613-342-8772 Ext: 8340

Brandon Goddard

Supervisor of Wastewater Systems

613-342-8772 Ext: 8301

Clay Sluytman

Supervisor of Water Systems

613-342-8772 Ext: 5512

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