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Shop Where Your Heart Is entry

The Shop Where Your Heart Is program is back! Save and remit your receipts from purchases made in Brockville between November 16th and January 6th and you could win one of our weekly prizes (3 receipts = 1 ballot). Submit your purchase information below, or collect your physical receipts and turn them in at the Brockville & District Chamber of Commerce.

All coffee sleeve and restaurant coaster entries must be turned in to the Chamber’s office or 24 hour drop box located by the staircase on the side of City Hall on Market Street West.

Visit the Shop Where Your Heart Is page for more information and eligibility criteria, and see the River of Lights tie-in program for more ways to win!

Enter your email and a link to reset your password will be sent to you.

Sign up for an account

*You will receive a verification code via email if you have not verified your email already.

Enter the verification code that was sent to you.