Planning Department
The Planning Department reviews all applications with respect to land use, development and building within the city of Brockville. All proposals and applications are checked against the Provincial Policy Statement, the City’s Official Plan, Zoning Bylaw, and other Planning Policies and Bylaws (such as the Sign Bylaw), to ensure that the project is in line with the City’s plan for growth and development.
The Planning Department provides advice to developers and property owners to ensure that their proposed project will adhere to the Provincial Policy Statement, Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw.
When an application does not meet the conditions of either the Official Plan or the Zoning Bylaw, the applicant may apply for an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Bylaw Amendment, or in some cases a Request for Minor Variance. Planning staff review the application and make a recommendation to Brockville City Council or the Committee of Adjustment, who have ultimate authority to make decisions on applications. Planning staff can help direct you on the best way to proceed with your project.
Planning Application Forms
Select the form that you require from the list below of City of Brockville Planning Applications. If you require assistance or additional information, please contact the Planning Department.
- Provincial Policy Statement
- Official Plan Amendment Application
- Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application
- Instructions for review and submission of Planning Applications. Includes Official Plan Amendments, Zoning Bylaw Amendments, Subdivision and Condominium Approvals.
- Site Plan Control Applications:
- Subdivision or Condominium Plan Application
- Consent Application (Land Severance)
- Minor Variance Application
- Certificate of Zoning Compliance Application and Application for Home Occupation
- Application for Amendment to Sign Bylaw 84-89
Pre-Consultation for Planning Applications
Mandatory pre-consultation is required for the following Planning Applications:
- Official Plan Amendment
- Zoning Bylaw Amendment
- Plan of Subdivision or Condominium
- Site Plan Approval
Official Plan
The Planning Department is responsible for the City of Brockville Official Plan. The Official Plan is a policy document which sets guidelines for private development as well as municipal infrastructure improvements.
The Official Plan outlines the City’s goals, objectives, and policies primarily used to support growth, economic development, and building Brockville’s future. The plan also establishes a framework for managing the effects of growth on the social, economic, and natural environment of the City.
In accordance with the Planning Act, all of Council’s Bylaws approving development, as well as public works, must conform with the Official Plan.
Zoning Bylaw
Planning Staff are also responsible for the City of Brockville Zoning Bylaw which divides the entire municipality into land use zones and tells you what type of use will take place in each, in keeping with the Official Plan.
A detailed map of these zones forms an important part of the written bylaw. Within each zone, the bylaw specifies the permitted uses (such high density residential, low density residential, or industrial) and the required standards.
The Zoning Bylaw is a precise document used to regulate the use of land. It states exactly what land uses are currently permitted in the city and provides detailed information such as:
- where buildings or structures may be located;
- types of uses and dwellings permitted;
- standards for lot size, parking requirements, building height, side yard dimensions and setback from the street.
Minor Variance
A request for minor variance may be considered in regard to the Zoning Bylaw when the proposed scope of work does not meet the conditions set out in the bylaw (for example: setbacks or height restrictions) but where the intent of the Bylaw is still respected.
Consent to Sever Land
Land Severance is the authorized separation of a piece of land to form two new properties within the City of Brockville. This is commonly known as a consent, and is required if you want to sell, mortgage or lease a newly created parcel of land.
Where a consent to sever requires a minor variance, the Committee of Adjustment deals with the application for consent and minor variance concurrently.
The authority to approve development, including subdivisions and condominiums, rests with City Council. It is the function of the Planning Department to advise Council of the appropriateness of a proposed development.
A mandatory pre-consultation with Planning Staff is required for all subdivisions and condominium applications.
Click here for more information about the Planning Application Process.
Development Charges are collected by the Chief Building Official prior to issuance of building permits, along with any other fees and imposts. The Chief Building Official should be contacted, prior to submitting an application for building permit, to determine all charges, imposts and fees.
Community Improvement Plans
The City of Brockville has two Community Improvement Plans to assist with projects that will achieve improvements and enhancements that meet some of the City’s goals: The Downtown Community Improvement Plan and the Brownfields Community Improvement Plan.
Financial Assistance Programs are available to those landowners and tenants within the Community Improvement Project Areas and those who meet the general eligibility requirements. Some projects may be eligible for more than one of the financial incentive programs.
Site Plan Control
The City uses Site Plan Control Approval to address and resolve design matters related to the proper development of any site. The Site Plan Control Manual is to assist a proponent to understand the City’s requirements and the types of issues that will be reviewed for approval.
A pre-consultation meeting with Planning staff is required prior to any application for Site Plan Control Approval.
Public Process and Appeal
Different types of planning applications have slightly different processes to move from application to approval. Below you will find a breakdown of steps involved for Official Plan or Zoning Bylaw Amendments, Applications for Minor Variance, and Applications for Consent.
Economic and Development Services staff are located inside City Hall. To meet with staff inside City Hall, you must first check in at Customer Service, located on your left after you enter through the building’s front doors.
Planning Department
Appendix 2 Zoning Bylaw: Location of Pipelines - 050-2014 Appendix 2
Appendix 3 Zoning Bylaw: Source Water Protection Vulnerable Areas - 050-2014 Appendix 3
Zoning Bylaw: Section 1 – Introduction, Administration, and Enforcement - 050-2014
Zoning Bylaw: Section 6 – Commercial and Mixed Use Zones - 050-2014
Zoning Bylaw: Section 7 – Non-Residential and Non-Commercial Zones - 050-2014
Zoning Bylaw: Section 8 – Replacement of Former Zoning Bylaws and Effective Date - 050-2014