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Boating and Harbour

The City of Brockville operates the municipal harbour seasonally starting in mid May of each year. Both transient (day use) slips and seasonal docking are offered. Docking is also available on the City of Brockville islands.

Municipal Harbour

The municipal harbour is located on Blockhouse Island Parkway along the St. Lawrence River behind City Hall and is open from May to October with seasonal and transient docking facilities able to accommodate any size craft. Slips are available in the two adjoining dock systems of Tunnel Bay and Ernie Fox Quay.

We’re looking forward to welcoming you back to the Brockville Municipal Harbour for the upcoming boating season.

Transient Docking

Online bookings for transient slips in both Tunnel Bay and Ernie Fox Quay locations will open on Tuesday, May 1, 2024, with guest arrivals starting on Friday, May 17, 2024.

The City of Brockville’s two harbours, Tunnel Bay and Erie Fox Quay, have 116 seasonal docking slips for vessels ranging in size from PWCs to boats with an LOA of up to 46 feet and a maximum beam of 17 feet.

Fees for Tunnel Bay & Ernie Fox Quay Harbours

All fees per foot of boat based on LOA, unless otherwise stated
Seasonal Docking (May 1 to October 15)
Docking per foot: $84.25
Additional fee per foot for High Power Slips (2x 30-Amp Slips): $17.00
Personal Water Craft Slips (Currently 6) $585.75

Transient Docking May to October
Day Use, per hour: $8.50
Max charge per day. Max stay 3 pm peak season (June 20-August 11): $20.00
Nightly Docking, with power (Per foot): $3.25
Weekly Docking, with power (Per foot): $12.75
Off Season, monthly rate (per foot) (before May and after Labour Day): $21.00

Seasonal Docking

All seasonal docking requests start with the submission of a completed Seasonal Docking Application (you must own a boat or personal watercraft to apply). Please note that Brockville residents and property owners have first access to slips over out of town applicants.

Prior to submitting, be sure to review the Seasonal Boat Slip Allocation Process. It’s imperative that accurate Length Overall (LOA) and beam measurements are provided as those details determine slip location options.

Seasonal amenities include power, water, boater washrooms and showers, and laundry access.

Submit your completed application to the Parks and Events Coordinator. Although it’s difficult to predict slip availability, submitting the application is free and applicants remain on the waiting list until they have a slip or ask to be removed.

Docking Slip Sizes and Power

Tunnel Bay (TB)

All docks have 30 Amp power

Dock A

  • Slip length: 20 feet
  • Length overall: up to 20 feet or 25 feet (pontoon)
  • Max beam: up to 9 feet
  • Number of slips: 13

Dock B

  • Slip length: 24 feet
  • Length overall: 20 feet 1 inch to 27 feet
  • Max beam: up to 8 feet 6 inches
  • Number of slips: 28

Dock C

  • Slip length: 25 feet
  • Length overall: 27 feet 1 inch to 32 feet
  • Max beam: up to 10 feet 6 inches
  • Number of slips: 24

Ernie Fox Quay (EFQ)

Docks A, B, C & E have 30 Amp (Dock D has dual 30 Amp)

Dock A

  • Slip length: 20 feet
  • Length overall: up to 22 feet or 25 feet (pontoon) and PWC
  • Max beam: up to 12 feet
  • Number of slips: 8 + 3 x PWC

Dock B

  • Slip length: 28 feet
  • Length overall: 22 feet 1 inch to 34 feet
  • Max beam: up to 12 feet 6 inches
  • Number of slips: 10

Dock C

  • Slip length: 30 feet
  • Length overall: 34 feet 1 inch to 37 feet 6 inches
  • Max beam: up to 17 feet
  • Number of slips: 8

Dock D

  • Slip length: 40 feet
  • Length overall: up to 37 feet 7 inches to 46 feet
  • Max beam: up to 17 feet
  • Number of slips: 8

Dock E

  • Slip length: 25 feet
  • Length overall: 20 feet to 30 feet and PWC
  • Max beam: up to 12 feet 6 inches
  • Number of slips: 11 + 3 x PWC

(PWC) is personal watercraft

Seasonal Boat Slip Allocation Process

  1. The City shall maintain 116 seasonal docking slips as follows:
  2. Tunnel Bay: 65 Slips
  3. Ernie Fox Quay: 51 Slips
  4. All attachments and accessories (i.e. anchor, bowsprit, swim platform, hand rails, outboard motor, flag holder, etc.) must be included when measuring LOA (bow to stern) and beam (port to starboard)
  5. Total number of slips includes 3 Personal Watercraft slips on both Docks A and E
  6. A fully completed Seasonal Docking Application must be submitted for all seasonal docking requests.
  7. Seasonal slips are allocated to residents and taxpayers of the City of Brockville before non-residents.
  8. The LOA and beam measurements determine slip location options and the date we receive the Seasonal Docking Application determines position on the appropriate Waiting List.
  9. Applicants are notified as slips become available and must respond by the deadline provided.
  10. Applicants and their boats remain on the waiting list and roll over from year to year as long as owner and boat details remain the same (notify us of any changes to e-mail, phone or address details)
  11. Seasonal contracts are for one boating season, which runs from May 1 to October 15.
  12. An invitation to return for the subsequent season will only be offered to seasonal boaters in good standing.
    • “In good standing” means a boater who makes all payments on time, abides by all Seasonal Docking Terms & Conditions, as well Docking Agreement requirements, provides all required documentation and always has respectful interaction and communication with City Staff and other dockers.
    • The determination of a boater to be “not in good standing” is made by the Supervisor of Parks, and that decision is not negotiable.
    • Any boater who is deemed “not in good standing” is considered to have forfeited their agreement, which will be terminated immediately, and no refunds will be issued.
  13. The City of Brockville reserves the right to reassign slips at its sole discretion.
  14. Seasonal boaters that move out of the City of Brockville or no longer pay taxes to the City are eligible to receive an invitation to return for the subsequent season as long as they are in good standing.
  15. Seasonal boaters in good standing who wish to relocate to another slip on their current dock must submit their request in writing. Whenever possible, these slipholders will have priority over applicants from the Seasonal Docking Waiting List. All slip change requests will be allocated based on the date the request was received and at the City’s discretion.
  16. Seasonal boaters in good standing who wish to relocate to an eligible slip on a different dock will not be given preference over applicants from the Seasonal Docking Waiting List. A new Seasonal Docking Application must be submitted and the Applicant will be placed on the appropriate Seasonal Docking Waiting List according to the date the application is received.
  17. Seasonal boaters who have a seasonal docking slip and acquire a boat that does not meet the LOA and beam measurements of their current slip will lose their slip. A new Seasonal Docking Application must be submitted and the Applicant will be placed on the appropriate Seasonal Docking Waiting List according to the date the request is received.
  18. The sale/transfer of ownership of a seasonal slipholder’s boat automatically terminates the Seasonal Docking Agreement. The Parks & Events Coordinator must be notified and provided with the date the boat will be removed so the next suitable Waiting List applicant can be contacted.
  19. If a seasonal slipholder sells or transfers ownership of their boat at any point during the season, the new owner does not retain access to the slip.


Chad Davis

Parks Supervisor

613-342-8772 Ext: 3255

Robyn Houle

Parks Administrative Coordinator

613-342-8772 Ext: 3266

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