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  • New building code requirements: Stair Dimensions, Guards, and Handrails

    New building code requirements: Stair Dimensions, Guards, and Handrails

    Posted: Tuesday January 11, 2022


    Ontario Regulation 88/19, filed on May 2, 2019, provides amendments to the Ontario Building Code related to stairs, guards, and handrails. Applicants are encouraged to become familiar with the amendments to ensure that submissions comply with the new requirements.

    These changes are to further harmonize the Ontario Building Code with the 2015 National Code. These latest changes came into effect on January 1, 2022.

    Building Permits Applied for After January 1, 2022

    Code amendments that may have implications on your designs for Building Permits applied for after January 1, 2022, include, but are not limited to:

    • Increase of the dimension for tread depth which could affect overall stairwell size.
    • Changes to landing and ramp dimensions.
    • Spiral stairs introduced in Part 9.
    • Changes to height, continuity, and ergonomic design of handrails.
    • Loads on guards.

    For more detailed information, please contact the Building Department.

    For a complete list of amendments, refer to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

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