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  • Boarding, Rooming, or Lodging House

    Boarding, Rooming, or Lodging House

    Posted: Thursday March 23, 2023

    Below you will find excerpts from Zoning Bylaw 050-2014, as amended, pertaining to regulations for Boarding, Rooming, or Lodging Houses in the City of Brockville.

    Zoning Part 1.0: Interpretation, Administration and Enforcement

    Subsection 1.10 Certificate of Occupancy

    No person shall change the use of any lot covered by this bylaw, or of any building or structure on any such lot or of any part of such lot, building or structure without having applied for and received a Certificate of Occupancy under the Planning Act, issued by the Corporation or its appointed agent. Issuance of such Certificate of Occupancy by the Corporation will imply that the proposed use is in compliance with this bylaw. Applications for Certificate of Occupancy shall be made on the prescribed forms and shall be known as Certificate of Zoning Compliance.

    Zoning Part 2.0: Definitions, Subsection 85.1

    “Boarding, Rooming or Lodging House” means a dwelling, used or maintained for the accommodation of the public, in which the owner or head lessee supplies lodgings, with or without meals, for three or more persons, but does not include any other use otherwise defined or classified herein.

    Zoning Part 3.0: General Provisions, Subsection 3.33(a) Parking Requirements for Residential Uses

    Boarding, Rooming or Lodging House: A minimum of 1.0 space for the dwelling unit, plus 0.5 spaces per bedroom.

    Zoning Part 5.0: Residential Zones, Subsection 5.1 Uses Permitted in the Residential Zones, and Part 6.0: Subsection 6.1: Uses Permitted in the Commercial and Mixed Use Zones

    A Boarding, Rooming, or Lodging House is permitted in the following zones:

    • Residential: R4, R5
    • Mixed Use: MD, MW

    For more information, please contact the Planning Department.

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